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General Information

General Information for Parents

Leave of absence

Applications to take your child out of school must be requested using the ‘Application for Leave of Absence’ form available from the office and should be made at least one month prior to the proposed period of absence and should only be for exceptional circumstances which we expect to be very rare. Applications for family holiday during term time will not be authorised and will be recorded as such on your child’s report and school record. All absences without a reason will also be recorded as unauthorised.

Collecting your child early from school

You will only be able to collect your child early from school for medical or dental appointments. Where ever possible please arrange medical and dental appointments for your children out of school hours. You are asked to provide either an appointment card or letter from the hospital before you take your child. We record all such appointments.

Late arrivals

Parents are reminded that their child should be ready to be in their classroom by 8.50am. Arriving late disrupts the class. If you are late for what ever reason, parents are required to sign their children in at the office. All late arrivals will be recorded on the child’s report and their school record.


We are only able to administer prescribed medicines during the school day. All medicines must be accompanied with a completed request form available from the school office and should be handed to the office at the beginning of the school day. Please do not send medicines into school with your child or without completing the form.

School Uniform

Ties should be worn by all the children in Key Stage 2 and shirts should be long enough to tuck in neatly. Please note we discourage the wearing of earrings in school. Should your child need to wear earrings, we ask that only stud earrings are worn and that you provide micropore tape to put over the earrings when your child is doing P.E. or games. Long hair should be tied back at all times.  Hair should be neat and smart at all times. Hairbands and hairclips should be neutral colours or navy blue and there should be no other hair accessories, for example bows. Only larger items such as scrunchies and plain Alice bands are acceptable in a dark blue colour. The school does not allow dyed hair or fashion hairstyles such as Mohicans or tramlines or where the hair is obviously of differing lengths. Shoes should be flat and black. They should be plain with the majority not being of a trainer-type material and not have sport brand names or sport brand logos visible on them. 

Equipment and children’s belongings

Please ensure that all of your child’s uniform, P.E. kit and any equipment that they bring into school is clearly named. We ask parents to ensure that their child brings in all that they will require at school during the day with them at the start of the day. We cannot guarantee that items brought in for children during the day will be handed to the child

ready for a particular lesson.

Packed lunches

In line with the school's Healthy School status, chocolate covered biscuits are not permitted in packed lunches and crisps are only permitted on a Wednesday or for special occasions such as class parties etc. Please remember that packed lunches are not refrigerated at school and on some occasions may actually be in a warm environment. Further advice on the contents of packed lunches is available upon request.

Weather Updates / School Closures

School Closures are reported on the Buckinghamshire Council's website. Click on the link below.

Charges and Contributions

We believe that the children's education is greatly enhanced by giving them a wide variety of experiences both in and out of school.  Taking the children out of school or inviting experts in to talk to them often involves an expense which the school is not able to afford.  We, therefore, request voluntary contributions from parents.  We collect voluntary contributions on the understanding that if there are not enough contributions the activity may have to be cancelled.  In reality, if there are not sufficient contributions to cover the cost the school will make up the difference diverting the money away from another activity that would have been organised for the children.  The activity therefore goes on as planned but another activity is cancelled  The school will also reconsider plans to run the activity the following year.  If parents are unable to make contributions they are advised to speak to Mrs Davison.  To give parents an idea of the contributions that may be requested in any year the document below has been produced as a guide. You can read a copy of our full Charging Policy on this website.  It can be found by clicking 'policies' on the menu to the left.

School Uniform

The school uniform is mostly available from all large stores at very competitive prices.  Only school branded items such as cardigans, jumpers, polo shirts and our tie need to be purchased through PMG Schoolwear, our official school uniform supplier. 

School Uniform is available to purchase online from PMG Schoolwear via their website or by visiting PMG’s Uxbridge store. Please find the necessary information by downloading the’ School Uniform Information’ document found below. 
